
Jerry Nyazungu ‘The Chartered Vendor’ to headline a business masterclass in Kwekwe

Jerry Nyazungu the ‘Chartered vendor’ will this week be the keynote speaker at the Kingdom Affluent Masters (KAM) business mentorship masterclass which is held yearly in Kwekwe. The event will be held on the 19th and 20th  of October.

KAM was founded in 2018 by businessman and philanthropist Joy Museba popularly known as Apostle Joy, who is also the founder of New Creation Life Ministries International (NCL) one of the fastest growing ministries in Zimbabwe and across the globe.

KAM sessions bring together top scholars and executives from around the world to share knowledge and excperiences on strategic business as well as receive feedback from industry experts on how to better develop their work and careers. The meetings also facilitate robust business engagements with business giants from across the world.

Ambitious entrepreneurs and business owners are taught among other things; embracing innovation, capitalising on opportunities in emerging areas and doing all this while abiding by kingdom business ethics.

“Our business sessions are transformative. We believe in manifesting excelling excellence in all facets of life. We teach people how to spend, when to spend, how to save and invest. In essence we teach financial literacy,” said Apostle Joy.

This year KAM is expected to be the biggest ever with business people joining in from as far as the United Kingdom and beyond.

Guest speaker Jerry Nyazungus’ story is an inspirational one that many can relate to. He started off selling airtime in 2005, after finishing his tertiary education. Through sheer hardwork and persistence he has managed to build his business and name such that he became a board member of the Zimbabwe Chief Executive Officers’ (CEO) Network, a motivational speaker, author and sought after entrepreneur.

He holds a Chartered Institute of Secretaries (CIS) qualification and is a qualified Chartered Secretary as well as a  Registered Public Accountant. He is the owner and proprietor of  M&J Consultants, which he started in 2015.

For the 37 year old  Nyazungu, humble beginnings were not an excuse for not achieving greatness.

“Everyone has the ability to change the world. I never thought I would ever graduate from being a corner street vendor to starting and managing an organisation that employs over 70 young people, not only in Zimbabwe but Zambia and now South Africa,” said Mr. Nyazungu.

He believes that Africa needs to break out of her mental prison and start thinking about Africa the African way not the American, European or the Asian way. His vision is to train at least one million Africans and build timeless businesses in Africa.

“In order to be impactful in my quest to conquer Africa, I’ve managed to gather enough experiences to talk about how other entrepreneurs can make it too. During this seminar, I can guarantee that people will definitely shift their mindsets,” he said.

Over the years KAM has connected thought leaders from politics, academe and business  from around the world. It offers a space for attendees to build their networks and connect with fellow minded people so as to get market insights and best business practices.

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